Day: August 20, 2009

Results of Omega-3 StudyResults of Omega-3 Study

Information from a new research study, which was published in the European Heart Journal, reveals that eating oily fish, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel and trout at least once per week can contribute to a reduction in the risk of heart failure in men.

The study was conducted at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). In the study, they analyzed 39,367 Swedish men between the ages of 45 and 79 from 1998 to 2004. “The researchers recorded details of the men’s diet and tracked the men’s outcome through Swedish inpatient hospital registers and cause-of-death registers. During this period, 597 men in the study (with no previous history of heart disease or diabetes) developed heart failure. Thirty-four men died.” [1]

The study produced solid evidence that the men who ate fatty fish once a week had a 12 percent lower risk of developing heart failure.

“Analysis of their numbers showed that the men who ate fatty fish (herring, mackerel, salmon, whitefish and char) once a week were 12 percent less likely to develop heart failure, compared with men who ate no fatty fish. Although this association did not reach statistical significance, notes Levitan, the researchers also found a statistically significant association with the intake of marine omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in cod liver and other fish oils: The men who consumed approximately 0.36 grams a day were 33 percent less likely to develop heart failure than the men who consumed little or no marine omega-3 fatty acids.” [1]

“Our study reinforces the current recommendations for moderate consumption of fatty fish,&quot notes first author Emily Levitan, PhD, a research fellow in the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Center at BIDMC. “Current guidelines from the American Heart Association recommend eating fatty fish twice a week.”

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to human health but cannot be manufactured by the body. For this reason, omega-3 fatty acids must be obtained from food, and or supplements. However, there has been some concerns regarding mercury contamination of omega-3 fatty acids supplements. If mercury is a concern, I suggest taking certified mercury-free omega-3 supplements.

Omega-3 supplements meet the American Heart Association guidelines. One daily dose of a good omega-3 supplement provides the amount of essential fatty acids recommended by the AHA for healthy individuals, as well as for those who have heart disease or the risk of it.

Further research suggests that essential fatty acids (EFAs) support our wellness in so many ways, starting with helping to reduce runaway inflammation. Many of us don’t realize this, but runaway inflammation can lead to various serious health problems in the body, not only with the heart, but also with the arteries, lungs, and joints.

Many of us are not a fish eaters; if that’s you, Omega Prime can be a great addition to your diet. And since omega-3 fatty acids are recommended by doctors and health professionals, it’s important to get your recommended daily requirement.

You can find additional information on Omega-3 fatty Acids and many other nutritional products by visiting My TriVita Business Site . TriVita® ensures that you get the safest, freshest, and most effective products available on the market today. Each product is made under the strictest quality controls in the nutritional supplement industry.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – #12871028
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