Author: Jeffrey Sloe

Listening to Become SuccessfulListening to Become Successful

Why do most work at home businesses fail? Is it a lack of will power or desire? Is it a lack of knowledge of “business” or just the business that you’re involved with? What about a burning desire to succeed, or the willingness to be coached? Do any of the items listed above have anything to do with the high rate of work at home failures?

I believe all of the items listed above can be the downfall of any home business. However, the one factor I believe that caused the most failures in home based businesses is the failure to listen. Yes, you read that correctly, the failure to listen. You see the majority of people love to talk. They talk about themselves; they talk about their family; they talk about their business; they talk abut their products; and they talk about just about everything else that involves themselves.

In all actuality, what these people are doing is selling. What are they selling? They are selling themselves, their business, and their products. And you know what? Most people hate to be sold! People love to buy, but they hate to be sold. So, if you want to become successful with your work at home business, ask questions and listen.

There is a lot of wisdom in the previous paragraph, because very few people ask questions and then stop to listen to the other person’s answer. However, if you find a successful home business entrepreneur I can almost guarantee you that that person is very good listener.

I received an email a while back, one that I kept in my archives. I’d like to share it with you because I think it makes a lot of sense, and goes straight to the point.

Will You Stop Talking Long Enough To Listen?

Have you ever been in the instance where you simply could not wait to blurt out what you wanted to say?

Have you ever wished you had said what you had said?

How many times have you gotten into an argument with someone, when neither person was listening to the other person?

Have you ever been in a discussion with someone, only to discover a little later, that both of you were actually saying the same thing?

“Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so”

There is a big difference between hearing and listening

Listening involves 3 processes:

  1. Interpret: This is where you begin to take in the information and assess it. As you hear the information you begin to make judgments on what you hear. You begin to either agree or disagree on the information.
  2. Evaluate: This is when you begin to determine what you will do with the information. Is it useful or not useful? How will you find the information if you find it useful?
  3. React: This is where you have actually evaluated the information, and you have made a full determination of what you think about it. This is the most challenging of the 3 processes; because it is so much better to respond than to react.

There are 4 basic types of communication which people have:

  1. Phatic: This is the “getting to know you” or the “building of relationships” kind of talk.
  2. Cathartic: This is the release of “pent-up emotion” kind of talking. This is the spilling of
    emotional information, troubles, concerns, etc.
  3. Informative: This is the sharing of information, ideas, or data.
  4. Persuasive: This is used to reinforce information or ideas, or to change attitudes to produce a specific action.

“Our listening habits are not the result of training, but rather the lack of it”
Studies have shown that we spend about 45% of our waking hours listening.

It is interesting that we spend almost half of each day listening, yet it is one
of the least taught communication skills.
Tests have shown that immediately after hearing a 10-minute lecture, which was properly heard and understood:

  • Only one half of the information was retained
  • After 48 hours, only 25% is retained

This means that of all things listened to, only 25% will be understood and retained for any real time period.

Good listening habits can be taught, yet they seldom are.

Learn how to listen, and your life will take on great new meaning.

That email, courtesy of the fine folks at Help End Hunger Now, is great for any line of business. If you deal with people on a daily basis you need to know when to talk, when to ask questions, and when to listen. If you do not now how to listen, learn! Yes, you can learn how to listen, and I believe it is necessary to succeed in any business, especially a work at home business. Why? I mentioned it before: “Most people hate to be sold!” On the other hand, most people love to buy.

If your home business can get a person out of debt, or can make a person some extra money so they can purchase that new car or home, they will buy into your business. However, do not try to sell them, but rather ask the right questions, and then listen to their answers. When they give you their answer, ask another question, and once again, listen to their answer.

Listening to become successful may take some time to get used to, just like any new behavior. However, if you are persistent and you learn the skill of listening, your chances of becoming successful with your work at home business will greatly increase. If you learn the skill of listening together with asking the right questions, I believe you will be successful.

If you’re looking to start a health and wellness home business, please contact me.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner, 12871028
Visit My TriVita Business Site


Vitamin B 12Vitamin B 12

What is vitamin B12?

Vitamin B 12 helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells [1-4]. It is also needed to help make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Vitamin B 12 is also called cobalamin because it contains the metal cobalt [1-4].

Vitamin B 12 is bound to the protein in food. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach releases vitamin B12 from proteins in foods during digestion. Once released, vitamin B12 combines with a substance called intrinsic factor (IF). This complex can then be absorbed by the intestinal tract.

How can I get vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is naturally found in foods that come from animals, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products. Fortified breakfast cereals are a particularly valuable source of vitamin B12 for vegetarians.

Recommendations for vitamin B12 are provided in the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) developed by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies [5]. Dietary Reference Intakes is the general term for a set of reference values used for planning and assessing nutrient intake for healthy people.

A deficiency may occur as a result of an inability to absorb vitamin B 12 from food and in strict vegetarians who do not consume any foods that come from animals [6]. As a general rule, most individuals who develop a vitamin B12 deficiency have an underlying stomach or intestinal disorder that limits the absorption of vitamin B 12 [7]. Sometimes the only symptom of these intestinal disorders is subtly reduced cognitive function resulting from early vitamin B12 deficiency.

We need Vitamin B-12 in a form that is readily usable by the body. Vitamin B-12 deficiency is the most common vitamin deficiency in people over 50. Vitamin B-12 deficiency may cause everything from fatigue and grumpiness, to mental confusion and mental exhaustion. Anemia and dementia may follow later.

Caution: Folic Acid and vitamin B12 deficiency

Folic acid can correct the anemia that is caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Unfortunately, folic acid will not correct the nerve damage also caused by vitamin B12 deficiency [1,9]. Permanent nerve damage can occur if vitamin B12 deficiency is not treated. Folic acid intake from food and supplements should not exceed 1,000 ?g daily in healthy individuals because large amounts of folic acid can trigger the damaging effects of vitamin B12 deficiency [5]. Adults older than 50 years who take a folic acid supplement should ask their physician or qualified health care provider about their need for additional vitamin B12.

Before taking any dietary supplement, you should talk to a health care professional or doctor. The information in this article is just to inform people of the health risks related to vitamin B12 deficiency. Although my information comes from reliable sources, it’s up to the reader to verify this information.

Wouldn’t you like to recapture the energetic feeling of your youth? Now, with the help of B-12, B-6 & Folic acid, you can.

Why are B vitamins so essential to brain function? That’s because our brains must have them to function properly. Our B reserves become depleted when we age, resulting in premature aging and greater susceptibility to sickness.

Adding a supplement of vitamin B 12 to your diet as more tremendous advantages, and very few disadvantages.

Find Vitamin B 12 and other great supplements at My TriVita Business Site.


  1. Herbert V. Vitamin B12 in Present Knowledge in Nutrition. 17th ed. Washington, D.C.: International Life Sciences Institute Press, 1996.
  2. Herbert V and Das K. Vitamin B12 in Modern Nutrition in health and disease. 8th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1994.
  3. Combs G. Vitamin B12 in The Vitamins. New York: Academic Press, Inc, 1992.
  4. Zittoun J and Zittoun R. Modern clinical testing strategies in cobalamin and folate deficiency. Sem Hematol 1999;36:35-46.
  5. Institute of Medicine. Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intakes: Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and choline. National Academy Press. Washington, DC, 1998.
  6. Markle HV. Cobalamin. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 1996;33:247-356.
  7. Carmel R. Cobalamin, the stomach, and aging. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:750-9.
  9. Chanarin I. Adverse effects of increased dietary folate. Relation to measures to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects. Clin Invest Med 1994;17:244-52.

Food Prices on the RiseFood Prices on the Rise

Is it just me, or are food prices on the rise, and getting a little out of hand? How about you, have you noticed any increase in the cost of food lately?

In an effort to get a handle on this, I decided to do a little research. However, I must admit, this wasn’t something I thought about too much until I saw my friend’s emergency foods web site. I have seen prices go up little by little, but I never actually realized how much those small increments can add up. Have you?

I’ve been seeing, and reading, more and more articles (maybe I’m just a little more attentive now) about food prices. I mentioned one yesterday by the World Bank that said the prices are at “dangerous levels.” Today, I read an article posted on titled, Experts: No Limit for Soaring Food Prices.

According to that article, “Food prices rose 3.9 percent last month, the most since November 1974. Most of the increase was because harsh winter freezes in Florida, Texas and other Southern states, which damaged crops.”[1] This past winter is just another unforeseen disaster, like tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes that can cause the price of food to rise. It’s also the reason why we should have an emergency food supply.

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have enough food in your house to last more than a week. What’s in your pantry and cupboards? Do you have enough food to feed your family if a disaster hits, or if you loose your job? What if the food prices get too high and you can’t afford quality nutritious food, what will you do?

Back in November 2010, Glenn Beck, while talking about the U.S. economic problems, said “food prices will rise 700% to 1000% or more in 2011.”[2] Is that the truth? Are we headed in that direction? Well, all you have to do is visit your local supermarket to see how much prices have gone up since last November. If you don’t remember what the cost of milk was back then, how about last month?

Whether you believe what Mr. Beck says or not, we are headed in the wrong direction when it comes to food prices, gasoline prices, and the unemployment rate. When unemployment hits, or gas prices get too high, you can still survive. But how long can you survive without food? I submit to you that food is the most important commodity you need. How’s your emergency food supply?

I’ve been to the store, and I’ve seen the prices go up. I believe we are headed for some tough time in the next few years. I believe that people will be begging for food. And I believe the store shelves will start to become less populated.

I’m not a prophet, or nay-sayer. However, to do believe what I was taught when I was a member of the Boy Scouts of America, and that would be the scout motto, “Be Prepared.” We cannot predict what lies ahead, but we can be prepared. Preparedness can even start with watching and tracking food prices. I believe that you will see a significant change, and maybe it will be that change that will get you to take action.

If you’re struggling to make ends meet, maybe it’s time to look into ways of making some extra money. I’ve found 2 companies that off great compensation plans, with great product lines, that may help you earn that extra cash. If you’d like to learn more how you can fight the high food costs, please contact me, or click on one of the links below to learn more.

Christian Home Based Business
Home Based Business Opportunity


Omega-3 Fatty Acids and InflammationOmega-3 Fatty Acids and Inflammation

I’ve been writing about omega-3 fatty acids for some time now. Research continues to show how important these fatty acids really are to the human body, and how omega-3 fatty acids and inflammation are somehow related. A study a few years ago at the University of Pittsburgh confirms what subsequent studies have found, how important Omega-3 fatty acids really are.

“Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine went on a molecular fishing trip and netted a catch of new mediators that not only can explain how omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, but also hint at novel treatments for a host of diseases linked to inflammatory processes.” [1]

Before I continue with this study, let’s take a look at what omega-3 fatty acids are, and the health benefits behind them. To do so I’ve included a quote below from the University of Maryland Medical Center’s web site:

“Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids: They are necessary for human health but the body can’t make them — you have to get them through food. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut, other seafood including algae and krill, some plants, and nut oils. Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function as well as normal growth and development. They have also become popular because they may reduce the risk of heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (particularly fatty fish such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon) at least 2 times a week.” [2]

All of the research I’ve found concurs that “omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function.” [2]

This information is not from a single study, rather from numerous studies over several years in which universities have been doing research. Runaway inflammation can lead to various serious health problems in the body involving the heart, arteries, lungs, joints and more. That’s probably why so much research is being done not only on inflammation but also on nutrients, like omega-3 fatty acids, that fight inflammation.

If you’re looking to incorporate more omega-3-fatty acids into your diet, fish is your best bet. The purest choice fish include canned sardines or mackerel, wild Alaskan salmon and sable fish, and small, troll-caught tuna. However, if you’re not a fish eater, Vital Choice’s Sockeye Salmon Supplements provides all of the fatty acids and abundant vitamin D3 found in salmon head oil.

There are also other Omega-3 supplements, and many contain a premier and unique blend of four different types of the most highly regarded Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) oils – Fish, Flaxseed, Evening Primrose and Perilla Seed. They may also use contaminant-free fish oil that has undergone an intense distilling process.

Just as research on omega-3 fatty acids will continue, I will continue to write about what researchers find regarding this highly important nutrient.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – #12871028
Visit My TriVita Product Site


Healthy Choice Foods High in Fatty Acids

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Omega-3 and Your MemoryOmega-3 and Your Memory

This past weekend I was visiting with my mother-in-law. After asking me the same question a second time, she said, “my memory is not the same as it used to be.” That, coming from an 88 year-old woman, may be all to common for the elderly. However, when it comes to middle-aged individuals, that should not be the norm. So, is there a way to improve our memory, or at least keep it from failing us as we age? And is there a relationship between omega-3 and your memory? Let’s find out!

After reading the article below, “Ways to Improve Your Memory” by TriVita’s Chief Science Officer, Brazos Minshew, I believe there are certain things we CAN do to improve our memory and keep it sharp as we continue to age, just as Mr. Minshew mentions in his article. I’ve posted the complete article below.

Ways to Improve Your Memory by Brazos Minshew

OK, I will admit it if you will: I have forgotten the names of people while I was talking to them! I have lost my car keys, misplaced my glasses and turned the wrong way on my drive home.

How about you? Does it seem like your memory is playing tricks on you as you age? Well, there are reasons for that and very few of these reasons are related to diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

How to make a memory

Your memory is an amazing miracle. Every second your brain processes billions of bits of information from your five senses. You may consciously perceive only a very small percentage of this information because one function of your brain is to filter out unimportant information. The things you remember will usually be advantageous to you. For instance, remembering your wedding anniversary date or remembering where the speed trap is on your drive home.

Memory is classed into two basic groups:

  1. Short-term: Short term memories are quickly forgotten when they are no longer important.
  2. Long-term: Long-term memories may be divided into recent and distant.

Practicing or rehearsing can improve your memory by moving more information into long-term. For instance, when I am distracted by stress I will not be able to remember where I left my car keys. That information was deleted from my short-term memory. However, if I consciously say, “I am hanging my car keys on the hook,” I am far more likely to remember where they are.

How to keep a memory

Reduce stress

Stress kills your memory. The stress system is designed to ensure survival. It helps us fight off a snarling dog or flee from a snarling bear. As important as that is, humans do more every day than merely survive. If you want to have a good, healthy memory, do all you can to reduce the need for fight or flight stress responses.

Learn something new

As mentioned, practicing or rehearsing something enhances memory. So does learning something new. You see, memory is facilitated through the billions of neurons and synapses in your brain by patterns: retracing old patterns as well as creating new patterns. The more new things we master and the more connections we create, the better our overall memory will be.

If you want to remember your anniversary, start learning a foreign language. If you want to remember important names, learn a musical instrument. The more you learn – and the more you connect the old with the new – the better your overall memory will be.

How to nourish a memory

Certain nutrients help the memory to remain sharp. These nutrients fall into two basic categories: those that create brain structure and those that nourish brain function.

Your brain is made mostly of fat. And the majority of that fat is an Omega-3 called DHA. So, to have a healthy brain we need healthy fats. Your nerve cells convert some fats into functional nerve proteins called myelin. Formation of myelin requires dietary protein and Vitamin B-12. So, for healthy brain structure and function we need Omega-3 fats, healthy dietary protein and Vitamin B-12.

When the memory is activated, it creates heat in the brain. To fuel the memory, quench the heat and repair the daily wear-and-tear on your brain, you need antioxidants. Certain antioxidants target brain function specifically. An excellent antioxidant formula that is also anti-inflammatory comes from Betalain bioflavonoids with is in the nopal cactus, and also help improve circulation by fortifying healthy arteries.

What do you remember?

To recap: Occasional memory lapses usually indicate you are distracted by stress. Rehearsing things you want to remember and practicing new things you have learned can help you avoid stress-induced memory lapses. Because new behaviors create new pathways in your brain, learning something new such as a new language or musical instrument can improve your overall memory.

Stress kills your memory. Nutrients such as Omega-3, Vitamin B-12 and anti-inflammatory antioxidants such as those found in the nopal cactus fruit, can help rebuild and restore your ability to remember. With all of these tools at your disposal, you have access to the power of a healthy memory. ** End of Article **

From the Franklin Institute on the effects of stress and memory loss: “Chronic over-secretion of stress hormones adversely affects brain function, especially memory. Too much cortisol can prevent the brain from laying down a new memory, or from accessing already existing memories.”[1]

We need to keep our brains active, and reduce or eliminate stress. If not, we’ll wind up having increased memory loss and probably make the same statement as my mother-in-law. We only go through this life once, and it’s important to take care of our bodies by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and taking on some activity that will keep your mind sharp. You may even want to think about supplementing your diet with one of the nutritional products from TriVita®.

If you would like additional information on Omega-3 Supplements or any other TriVita® nutritional product, you can Visit My TriVita Product Site to learn more. TriVita® ensures that you get the safest, freshest, and most effective products available on the market today. Each product is made under the strictest quality controls in the nutritional supplement industry.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – #12871028
Visit My TriVita Business Site


The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Omega-3 Fatty AcidsOmega-3 Fatty Acids

I’ve been researching Omega-3 essential fatty acids for a few years now. It amazes me as to all the attention this all natural nutrient continues to receive. And, may I add that everything I’ve read, including the article posted below, is nothing short of good news.

From one of my previous article, I’ve reported that “most of us have heard about how fats are bad for us; however, this isn’t always the case. Some fats are very good for our ongoing well being. Two of these fats are Omega-3 and Omega-6. Not only are they good for us, they’re actually indispensable, which is why they are also called Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs).”

I’ve also mentioned that omega-3 fatty acids “are essential to human health but cannot be manufactured by the body.” And, I’ve concluded that if you’re not a fish eater, the best source of EFAs, then you may need to be taking a daily omega-3 supplement, such as the one developed by TriVita®.

I’ve also written about inflammation. Omega-3 is “one of the best nutrients to reduce runaway inflammation. This may be new to you, but runaway inflammation can lead to various serious health problems in the body involving the heart, arteries, lungs, joints and more.”

Now in a recent study, by-products of omega-3 has been proven to reduce pain, caused by inflammation, in laboratory mice. In the article I’ve posted below, omega-3 is also safer than any NSAID on the market. If you’re still skeptical, please read the entire article entitled, Pain May be Relieved by Omega-3 Byproducts, which was written by Craig Weatherby of Vital Choice.

Pain May be Relieved by Omega-3 Byproducts – Study in mice suggests that omega-3s from fish could ease pain … and form the basis of a safer new class of potent analgesic drugs

by Craig Weatherby

Non-prescription analgesic drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen make life more bearable for millions of people suffering from all sorts of pain.

But these so-called “non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs” – NSAIDs for short – come with serious side effects that kill or injure thousands of Americans every year.

Estimates of the annual deaths in the United States attributable to NSAIDs vary from 3,200 to higher than 16,500 (Cryer B 2005; Lanas A et al. 2005).

And among elderly Americans alone, there are an estimated 41,000 hospitalizations related to NSAIDs each year (Griffin MR 1998).

Current NSAIDs alleviate pain and inflammation by blocking the action of one or both of two cyclooxygenase (COX) type enzymes … either the COX-1 enzyme and/or the COX-2 enzyme, depending on the drug.

The COX-1 enzyme promotes inflammation, but drugs – such as aspirin, ibuprofen (e.g., Advil), and naproxen (e.g., Aleve) that block it can produce gastric bleeding, duodenal ulcers, kidney problems, and cardiovascular complications.

Scientists developed COX-2 drugs such as Celebrex and Vioxx to get around the adverse gastric effects of COX-1 drugs … but it turned out that they, too, can cause gastric injury.

And sharp increases in cardiovascular complications led to withdrawal of Vioxx from the market in 2004.

Clearly, it behooves the medical community to find alternative analgesics that do not work in the same way.

We’ve reported on the recent discovery that when we metabolize omega-3s from fish – especially DHA – they yield critical anti-inflammatory compounds called resolvins.

Now, the analgesic potential of omega-3-derived resolvins has gained significant support in a mouse study from the Pain Research Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital … a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School in Boston.

Mouse study yields encouraging findings on an omega-3 fat’s analgesic potential

A research team at Brigham and Women’s Hospital reports that resolvins that the body produces from the two key omega-3s in fish fat and human cells – DHA and EPA – may serve as a new class of painkillers for treating inflammatory pain (Xu ZZ et al. 2010).

The Boston-based group believes that resolvins reduce pain both by damping inflammation and by acting in the spinal cord to prevent and reverse chronic pain.

Inflammatory pain, such as arthritic and post-operative pain, is triggered by tissue injury, leading to the release of compounds that increase inflammation and also act within the spinal cord to promote persistent pain.

The researchers found that two resolvins – RvE1 (derived from EPA) and RvD1 (derived from DHA) – reduced inflammatory pain symptoms in mice.

The results showed that RvE1 was 10,000 times more potent at alleviating pain than omega-3 EPA itself, which suggests that resolvins should be targets for drug development.

Confirming the mechanism by which omega-3s can relieve pain indirectly, an artificial compound called Chemerin – which binds to the same cell receptor as RvE1 and RvD1 – also significantly reduced pain symptoms.

Aside from its proven anti-inflammatory effects, they also found that RvE1 acts in the spinal cord to prevent the persistent activation of nerve cells that underlies chronic pain.

Importantly – and unlike powerful analgesic opiate-class drugs like codeine or oxycontin – the analgesic effects of the omega-3-derived resolvins did not alter the animals’ normal sensitivity to pain.

We hope that findings like these will lead to a new class of analgesic drugs that are much safer but just as effective as NSAIDs.

The study was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health.


  • Cryer B. NSAID-associated deaths: the rise and fall of NSAID-associated GI mortality. Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Aug;100(8):1694-5.
  • Griffin MR. Epidemiology of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-associated gastrointestinal injury. Am J Med. 1998 Mar 30;104(3A):23S-29S; discussion 41S-42S. Review.
  • Lanas A, Perez-Aisa MA, Feu F, Ponce J, Saperas E, Santolaria S, Rodrigo L, Balanzo J, Bajador E, Almela P, Navarro JM, Carballo F, Castro M, Quintero E; Investigators of the Asociación Española de Gastroenterología (AEG). A nationwide study of mortality associated with hospital admission due to severe gastrointestinal events and those associated with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug use. Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Aug;100(8):1685-93.
  • Singh G, Triadafilopoulos G. Epidemiology of NSAID induced gastrointestinal complications. J Rheumatol 1999;26(suppl):18–24.
  • Tarone RE, Blot WJ, McLaughlin JK. Nonselective nonaspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and gastrointestinal bleeding: Relative and absolute risk estimates from recent epidemiologic studies. Am J Ther 2004;11(1):17–25.
  • Tenenbaum J. The epidemiology of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Can J Gastroenterol. 1999 Mar;13(2):119-22. Review.
  • Xu ZZ, Zhang L, Liu T, Park JY, Berta T, Yang R, Serhan CN, Ji RR. Resolvins RvE1 and RvD1 attenuate inflammatory pain via central and peripheral actions. Nat Med. 2010 May;16(5):592-7, 1p following 597. Epub 2010 Apr 11.

*** End of Article ***

If you believe that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce pain caused by inflammation, taking a daily omega-3 supplement may be the right choice for you. Many omega-3 supplements contain a premier and unique blend of four different types of the most highly regarded Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) oils – Fish, Flaxseed, Evening Primrose and Perilla Seed. Some also use only contaminant-free fish oil that has undergone an intense distilling process.

Some omega-3 supplements meet the American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines, with only one daily dose. They provide the amount of Omega-3 recommended by the AHA for healthy individuals, as well as for those who have heart disease or the risk of it.

If you would like additional information on Omega-3 Supplements or many other nutritional product, you can Visit My TriVita Product Site to learn more. TriVita® ensures that you get the safest, freshest, and most effective products available on the market today. Each product is made under the strictest quality controls in the nutritional supplement industry.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – #12871028
Visit My TriVita Business Site

TriVita’s Omega PrimeTriVita’s Omega Prime

I have been researching and writing articles about omega-3 essential fatty acids for some time now. Why? Because I have high cholesterol, and I wanted to find out if I could control it naturally by supplementing my diet with omega-3, and eating more foods high in essential fatty acids.

I was amazed at the information I found regarding omega-3 fatty acids, and their effects, not only on decreasing bad cholesterol and increasing god cholesterol, but also on fighting inflammation and improving heart health. It is no surprise that I have continued taking a daily supplement of omega-3 ever since.

Since we have a lot of fat (good and bad) in our bodies, we need to do something to make the good fat more effective. But, instead of me trying to explain the science behind good and bad fats, I’d rather have the Chief Science Officer of TriVita, Brazos Minshew, do the explaining. Below is his latest article from the TriVita Weekly Wellness Report

Good Fats, Bad Fats and OmegaPrime®

Almost every cell making up your body is surrounded by fat. Fats are very smart molecules. Good fats make your brain healthy, they make your heart healthy; they reduce inflammation and improve circulation. They improve your immune system and reduce pain.

Trans-fats are examples of “bad” fats. They have just the opposite effect of good fats: they make your brain, heart and immune system unhealthy. They increase pain and they are a toxic cause of inflammation.

Good fats are essential for life and good health.

The story of good fats
Our immune system relies on Vitamin D and fats. When we are exposed to infections, a “picture” of the invading microbe is encoded in immune cells and recorded in fat for long-term memory. This is the reason why we have lifelong resistance or immunity to certain infections once we have the illness (like chicken pox).

There is a family of conditions where the immune system works too hard. These disorders are called autoimmune conditions because a person’s own immune system loses the ability to distinguish “self” from “non-self.” In autoimmune conditions your own immune system attacks healthy tissue as if it were diseased! Every gland, organ and joint becomes a target of your immune system.

Essential fatty acids make your immune system work smarter, not harder. They code immune system proteins to precisely identify every cell and to determine an appropriate response.

Omega Prime contains essential fatty acids (EFA) from four sources:

  • Omega-3: Fish oil
    A key ingredient is fish oil. Omega-3 from fish oil is healthy for your body and it shows a special affinity for your heart and brain. Fish oil contains fully metabolized Omega-3 and is thus absorbed very quickly.
  • Omega-3: Flaxseed oil
    Flaxseed oil is a vegetarian source of Omega-3. It is not fully broken down as fish oil is. Instead, it must be slowly metabolized over several hours. Think of fish oil as “fast-acting” and flaxseed oil as “sustained release.”
  • Omega-3 & Omega-6: Perilla Seed oil
    Humans cannot synthesize essential fatty acids: Omega-3 ALA (alpha linolenic acid) and Omega-6 LA (linoleic acid). We must get them from our diet and that is why they are called “essential.” Perilla seeds contain a balance of Omega-3 ALA and Omega-6 LA.There are nearly 500 articles in the Institutes of Health database on perilla. Scientists from all over the world are studying the oil of this amazing anti-inflammatory seed. Over 80 of these papers detail its use with the specific genes associated with various cancers. Over 50 articles discuss the anti-inflammatory benefits of perilla seed oil concerning allergy, asthma and other immune and cardiovascular disorders.
  • Omega-6: Evening Primrose oil
    Evening Primrose oil (EPO) is a primary source of LA (linoleic acid) in TriVita’s Omega Prime. LA goes through a long process of metabolism that results in intense anti-inflammatory activity. For example, LA helps reduce the inflammation associated with dermatitis. EPO promotes breast health and helps reduce breast pain. It also promotes cardiovascular health.  Evening Primrose oil is an excellent source of LA, and TriVita’s Omega Prime is an excellent source of EPO.

Essential Fatty acids are ESSENTIAL to Wellness! We cannot make them; we must get them from our diet. The healthier our fat intake is, the healthier our body will become. People in North America are woefully deficient in healthy Omega EFAs. Eat healthy fats and reject unhealthy fats like trans-fats for a healthy heart, brain and immune system.

Since EFAs are necessary to keep our bodies healthy, we need to incorporate them into our diets. However, eating fish may be your best bet. The purest choice fish includes canned sardines or mackerel, wild Alaskan salmon and sablefish, and small, troll-caught tuna.

If you’re not a fish eater, Omega Prime is a supplement that gives you the needed omega-3 fatty acid to maintain a healthy omega-3 balance.

Omega Prime contains a premier and unique blend of four different types of the most highly regarded Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) oils – Fish, Flaxseed, Evening Primrose and Perilla Seed. It also uses only contaminant-free fish oil that has undergone a 10 stage distilling process.

To learn more about Omega Prime, click the previous links, visit My TriVita Business Site, or contact me.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – #12871028
Visit My TriVita Business Site

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

An Anti-Inflammatory LifestyleAn Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

It has been stated by reliable sources that just about every person living has or will experience inflammation at one time or another. Stats are available from many different web sites to back up this fact. So is it possible to live a life without suffering from the pain associated with inflammation?

I guess you would have to break down inflammation into two categories, good and bad inflammation to find the answer. Since, according to scientists and medical personnel, good inflammation is necessary. However, it’s my understanding that it’s the bad inflammation that causes all of the pain and suffering.

And who better to answer the question about inflammation and how you can live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, but Brazos Minshew, Chief Science Officer for TriVita.

How To Lead An Anti–Inflammatory Lifestyle

Wellness is created in the way our immune system interacts with our environment – based on our genetics and modified by our behavior or lifestyle. Illness is really a disharmony produced by injury, toxins from inside or outside our body, deficiencies in vital elements like air, water, sleep and nutrients and emotional distress.

Sometimes we ask the wrong questions when we start to experience disharmony in our body. In effect, we ask, “What makes sick people sick?” As pertinent as that question is to a sick person, it is usually more productive to ask, “What keeps healthy people well – and how can I be one of them?”

Good inflammation?

Can inflammation really be good for you? Yes! For example, your body temperature is 98.6 F/37 C. We are able to maintain that warmth because of controlled, focused, balanced inflammation. We call this type of inflammation metabolism.

Our immune system also functions through focused inflammation. For example, “bad” bacteria are neutralized by inflammation from macrophages: critical elements of our immune system.

Bad inflammation
Four imbalances create disharmony in our immune system. They are:

  • Trauma or injury – Injured tissues first respond with beneficial inflammation. But if the inflammation becomes chronic, it will limit circulation by blood and lymph. Poor circulation allows waste created by the cells to accumulate, eventually becoming a toxic cesspool which can be the target for infection and disease.
  • Toxins from inside or outside of your body – Fat-soluble toxins and poisons from our environment may accumulate in our tissues and smolder for decades. These toxic tissues become chronically inflamed. Fatty tissues in our body such as our brain, liver and reproductive systems accumulate toxins and become the target for inflammation and disease.
  • Deficiencies in elements critical for life – Many people are deficient in oxygen though there is an abundance of air surrounding them. Oxygen deficiency causes acidic tissues; an acid body foments disease. Deficiencies in air, water, sunlight, sleep and nutrients are the most common causes of chronic inflammation.
  • The immune-suppressing scourge of emotional distress – Sustained emotional distress is a trigger for chronic inflammation. Actually, stress is also a known trigger for obesity and type 2 diabetes. Obesity causes more emotional distress and more chronic inflammation.

Your anti-inflammatory plan

We are made with the ability to respond to trauma, toxins, deficiency and stress with inflammation. Therefore, inflammation is not the enemy; however, runaway inflammation is definitely our enemy! Stop the domino effect of runaway inflammation before it starts by learning and living the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness.

  • The simple act of breathing deeply can help reduce the impact of stress on your body. Oxygen also encourages an alkaline body; alkaline tissues are resistant to chronic illness.
  • Sleeping peacefully can also help reduce the impact of stress.
  • Exercise can ease the imbalance created by injury or trauma. Exercise may also make you less prone to future injury.
  • Reduce basic nutrient deficiencies by eating the appropriate servings of fruits and vegetables daily:
    • 5 servings for children
    • 7 servings for women
    • 9 servings for men

Further “fill in the gaps” of nutrient deficiency by taking the Healthy Foundation program.

  • Help reduce the effects of many internal and external toxins with Nopalea™.

A word about inflammation and disease
Once runaway inflammation is triggered, it follows an amazingly intricate course leading to catastrophe. Many of the disease processes are known to medical science, but many are not. One thing we know: stop runaway inflammation and health will improve! So, no matter what the “condition” is that is causing distress, reducing excess inflammation can help improve the way we feel.

According to many resources, inflammation is the one condition that lies at the root of your troublesome allergies, asthma, heart disease, and many types of cancer. It may be true what Hippocrates said, that “all disease is one.” I just wonder if he was talking about inflammation?

If inflammation is the problem you may want to contact your doctor or health professional to find out your best options.

Jeffrey Sloe
TriVita Independent Business Owner, 12871028
Visit My TriVita Product Site

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


Home Based BusinessHome Based Business

From time to time people ask me what I do. Taking the low road, I usually say I’m a web designer and SEO specialist, even tough I love my TriVita® business. So why would I not tell them about TriVita®, and that I’m in a network marketing business? Like so many of us, I believe it’s the fear of rejection. The fear of loosing a friend, or being accused of working some kind of a pyramid scheme. Whatever the case, bugging my friends to join me in business has never been a passion of mine.

So many individuals that have a home based business bug their friends to death about joining them. I’ve seen plenty of relationships destroyed over network marketing, and I’m not about to join that group. However, after reading an article on Google, I may have to change my mind. Below is an excerpt of the article, which can be read in its entirety by going to,

…How refreshing!

It took almost 50 years, but there actually is 1 Network Marketing business (well, Trivita is actually called “Cooperative Marketing”) that has FINALLY figured it out!

ALL of the problems people have ever had with network marketing – MLM absolutely do NOT exist here!

You know… SIMPLE things like “where do I find a constant source of people hungry for the products?” -or- “I don’t like talking to friends & family about my businesses” -or- “” can’t figure out how to recruit anyone… or don’t like recruiting period” -or- “I don’t want to stock products at home” -or- “I never see long term residual income because 95% of my downline quits every year” -or- … (fill in the blank with what you hate most about MLM)

With Trivita®, you can build a consistent, reliable & huge RESIDUAL income entirely from home WITHOUT having to bug friends and family or have any sales or marketing skills whatsoever.

Not only is this a legitimate, highly profitable home based Internet business, but it is now my #1 recommended business opportunity… and the ONLY network marketing business that I currently recommend… and will probably EVER recommend!

WOW!!! That’s some statement regarding TriVita®, wouldn’t you agree? I would have to say that TriVita has figured out the network marketing industry. They have created a home based business model that cannot be beat. It’s the only home based business opportunity where you don’t have to bug your family and friends. However, you can if you really want to show someone how to create a genuine home business, and create long term residual income.

TriVita's official logo

I’ve been working this business for just over two years, and all it has done is continue to grow. And I have one gentleman in my upline that stopped working the business for 7-8 months, and came back to see that the business has grown “exponentially.” I don’t think you can say that about many other network marketing businesses, or any at all. I know someone else’s results may vary, but that’s what a home based business is all about!

If you’d like to learn more about TriVita, contact me. I’d love to share this terrific opportunity with you.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner, 12871028

Help me Share Health and Wellness with the World!

TriVita's premier membership image

Weight LossWeight Loss

According to some sources, between $33 billion and $55 billion is spent annually on weight loss products and services, including medical procedures and pharmaceuticals, with weight loss centers garnering between 6 percent and 12 percent of total annual expenditure. About 70 percent of Americans’ dieting attempts are of a self-help nature. Although often short-lived, these diet fads are a positive trend for this sector as Americans ultimately turn to professionals to help them meet their weight loss goals.

However, sometimes “professional help” doesn’t always mean physical trainers. It can also mean taking advice from professionals within the weight loss industry. People like Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s Chief Science Officer. Mr. Minshew as been studying weight loss, and obesity for several years, and has written many articles about both. Below is one such article, which I have posted in its entirety.

Test Your Body Mass Index
by Brazos Minshew

The obesity epidemic: Why girth rates continue to increase
The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing at an alarming rate all over the world, particularly in developed countries such as the U.S. In the October 9, 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA), data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that 31% of adults in the U.S. were obese in the year 2000 compared to 14.4% in 1980.

According to the CDC, about 15% of children and adolescents were overweight in 2000 – triple what the proportion was in 1980.

Defining overweight and obese
The common definition for being overweight or obese may not make much sense to most people. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30. Overweight is defined as having a BMI of 25–29.9. So, what is BMI exactly?

BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. It is calculated by dividing body weight in kilograms by height in meters squared. That’s a lot of math! To make it easier, use our online BMI calculator:

  • Click here to access the BMI calculator.
  • Once on the page, click on “Body Mass Index.”
  • Enter your height (in feet and inches) and your weight (in pounds). The program will automatically calculate your BMI and explain the results.

Health risks associated with obesity
In December 2001, the U.S. Surgeon General warned that obesity could soon kill more Americans than tobacco smoke. Imagine this: With all of the advances we have made in hygiene, nutrition and disease control, the generation living now is the first in U.S. recorded history with a shorter life expectancy than their parents. We are killing ourselves and our children with the habits that lead to obesity.

What’s behind the epidemic?
Why such large and extensive increases in obesity? Data collected from around the world show that different environmental and cultural conditions contribute to obesity in urban and rural populations.

Experts believe that rising rates of obesity among children and adults may be attributed to a combination of the following:

  • Increasingly sedentary activities such as:
    • Watching TV
    • Using a computer
    • Driving long distances (for example, commuting)
    • Working long hours at sedentary jobs
  • Conveniences which reduce physical activity (think “drive-through” banking)
  • Lack of safe playgrounds for children
  • Increased consumption of soft drinks and other “market-driven” factors that encourage overeating, such as:
    • Larger portion sizes in restaurants
    • Increased sizes of individual food items (such as soft drinks, candy bars, bagels)
    • Increased prevalence of vending machines
    • Greater number of food choices
    • Pervasive marketing of high-calorie foods
    • Marketing strategies that encourage ordering larger serving sizes
  • Emotional overeating, triggered by increased stress
  • Repeated dieting
  • Greater acceptance of obesity in certain cultural groups
  • Girth control in a complex world

Although a number of complex cultural and environmental factors contribute to the obesity epidemic, in the majority of cases, the equation is basic: too many calories consumed and too few calories expended (too little activity) leads to obesity.
The ” target=”_blank”>Leanology® Weight Loss System is designed to encourage people to achieve and maintain a healthful body weight by development of habits known to produce lifetime weight control.

Moreover, Leanology® creates the best possible opportunity for true wellness by confirming the benefits of nutrients and nurturing for weight management and all of life’s challenges. ***END of ARTICLE***

If your weight puts you in the overweight or obese category, it’s time for some lifestyle changes. The three most important parts of loosing weight and keeping it off are, a healthful diet, fitness and activity, and motivation and inspiration. In order for these to be effective, it takes effort on your part. None of these things are going to happen without you first taking action. A reduced calorie diet and activity are a part of any healthy weight loss program.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – 12871028
Visit My TriVita Product Site

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Vitamin D RevisitedVitamin D Revisited

After writing several articles on Vitamin D and the effects of being vitamin D deficient, I’ve learned a lot about this all important vitamin. However, it seems that every time a new study and/or report about vitamin D comes out I learn something new. Suffice to say that’s no different from Mr. Brazos Minshew’s latest TriVita Wellness Report article.

I’ve included the article in its entirety. I hope you read it and have a chance to learn more about vitamin d.

Keeping Skin Healthy & Glowing by Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s Chief Science Officer

“I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That’s deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?”
– Jean Kerr

Beautiful outside, beautiful inside?

Who doesn’t want beautiful skin – especially as we age? Our outside layer of skin often reflects the health of our internal organs, as we discussed in the Weekly Wellness Report on “Liver Spots.”

For instance, skin hydration relies on glucosamine just as joint hydration relies on glucosamine. So, dry skin likely means dry joints. Skin that is easily torn and damaged indicates rapid aging, which likely indicates rapid aging of our circulatory system. Furthermore, skin that is easily burned by the sun may indicate that our essential fatty acid (EFA) and antioxidant reserves are low which means other tissues that rely on antioxidants and EFA for protection may also be at risk.

Therefore, beautiful skin is a good indicator of healthy reserves of critical nutrients.

Inside first…

As we age, we are likely to experience skin that wrinkles and becomes blotchy. It may start to get pigment spots and become easy to injure. There are many products and procedures you can use to help your skin from the outside and those are important. But more important is nourishing the skin from the inside.

Skin has a base of healthy fats. Most of the external emollients we use on our skin are some form of fat. However, humans are not designed to take in fats very efficiently through the skin. The best way to have a healthy base for your skin is to take OmegaPrime essential fatty acids. Two per day is good, but for skin health, more is better!

From the outside…

There is a huge industry that provides cleansers, peels and emollients for the outside of your skin. Use of skin treatments is important only after you have been nourished from the inside. Then your skin will have beauty long after the makeup has been removed. Dr. Libby’s Vital C Powdered Crystals are perfect for your weekly beautiful skin routine. Try this natural deep moisturizer treatment and skin exfoliant:

  1. Add 1/4 teaspoon of Vital C Crystals to your daily skin moisturizer and mix thoroughly.
  2. Liberally apply the cream to your face and neck, massaging gently.
  3. Leave on for 10 minutes.
  4. Wash off completely with warm water; follow with a splash of cold water to close your pores.
  5. Your skin should have a lovely glow!

Sunlight and Vitamin D

The skyrocketing incidence of diabetes, osteoporosis and certain cancers definitely say that we are not getting enough Vitamin D. The increase in insomnia and seasonal depression tells us that we are not getting enough early morning sun.

We need more sunlight. Now, how do we make it safe?

  1. Recognize the need for sun and the need for caution. Plan your sun exposure so that you maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks. For instance, get your sunlight early in the day. Early morning sunlight does not have the high ultra-violet intensity that midday sun does. So, take a 20-minute walk in the early part of the day with your skin exposed to sunlight. This will give you the benefits without the risks of over-exposure.
  2. Alternately, take a 20-minute walk in the evening with your skin exposed to sunlight. There are fewer UV rays in the evening than at midday, though more than in the morning. This will have a less dramatic effect than morning sun but will still provide you with many of the same benefits.
  3. Never expose your skin to midday sun for long periods of time. Wear clothing that covers most of your skin and wear a hat that provides shade for your face and ears.
  4. Certain nutrients work well to protect against sun damage:
    1. Essential fatty acids interact with Vitamin D in your skin to create a bulwark of protection against harmful radiation.
    2. Vitamin C quenches smoldering fires of oxidative stress once they have begun.
    3. Antioxidants, such as green tea (Energy Now!) and those found in berries (Adaptogen 10 Plus) can help protect against DNA damage from radiation.
    4. All these are excellent strategies for dealing with the stress of too much sun.

What about sunscreen?

The discussion about sunscreen is full of heated rhetoric. The first thing I will say about using sunscreen is that it is completely up to you: it’s your choice! I would also point out that people have lived outdoors for thousands of years without serious risk from sun exposure. The increase in skin cancer risk came about as a “perfect storm” of severely polluted air, a low antioxidant/nutrient diet and the 40-year tanning craze that followed World War II.

The truth is that more people die of cancer related to Vitamin D deficiency than of skin cancer caused by sunburn. Again, get some morning and evening sunshine for good health, never get a sunburn and keep your skin covered when you are exposed to midday sun. Beyond these recommendations, do what seems reasonable to you!

Total health

The health of our skin can tell us much about the health of our entire body. We naturally desire that “healthy glow” and beautiful skin. And that makes sense, doesn’t it? We have a tool to assess our internal health immediately at our disposal: our skin. All we have to do is learn to listen to the message of healthy skin!

In one of my previous articles, Vitamin D – Protector from Cancer, is stated that “nine out of 10 Americans are deficient in vitamin D. Furthermore, it’s been documented many times that even people who spend plenty of time in the sun can still lack this vital inflammation fighter. This is becoming more and more serious because inflammation is a major cause of heart and brain attacks, high blood pressure, joint pain, bone loss, digestive problems, blood sugar imbalances and a host of other serious health problems.”

So, not only is vitamin D important to help ward off cancer, but it’s also a proven inflammation fighter. Some medical studies have even found that inflammation is one of the major causes of cancer. Now I’m not a medical doctors, so don’t take my word for it; do your own research.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner, 12871028
Visit My TriVita Product Site
Visit My TriVita Business Site

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Omega-3 Fatty AcidsOmega-3 Fatty Acids

Nutritionists have known for a long time that seafood is a low-fat source of high-quality protein. Eating seafood is one of the best choices for children, adults, and the aging population, and the health benefits are simply amazing. In fact, many studies have shown that eating seafood can decrease your risk of heart attack, stroke, obesity, hypertension, and even decrease, or in some cases, total reduce inflammation.

Inflammation is a process in which the body’s white blood cells and chemicals help protect us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.

“When inflammation occurs, chemicals from the body are released into the blood or affected tissues. This release of chemicals increases the blood flow to the area of injury or infection and may result in redness and warmth. Some of the chemicals cause a leak of fluid into the tissues, resulting in swelling. This process may stimulate nerves and cause pain.” [2]

The immune system, a complex array of organs, tissues and specialized cells, protects us from outside invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, allergens and from harmful insiders, such as infected cells and toxins. However, the immune system is not segregated (immune) from disease that attacks the human body.

“Several chronic diseases involve the immune system. The most common are rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, psoriasis (an inflammatory skin condition), and some allergies. In these conditions the immune system overacts and the inflammation that results contributes to the disease symptoms – painful joints, itchy skin, swelling, redness, wheezing, etc. These overactive immune responses can be toned down by the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish. For this reason, the oils in fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, rainbow trout, and sardines, can be helpful in reducing the severity of the symptoms of these conditions. Omega-3s cannot prevent or cure these conditions, but they may make a noticeable improvement in the discomfort associated with them.”[1]

A diet that consists of fish high in omega-3 fatty acids can provide an added benefit one needs to ward off disease and illness. However, many people may not like fish. If that’s the case, there are plenty of omega-3 supplements.

One Omega-3 supplement that I’m thinking of, contains a premier and unique blend of four different types of the most highly regarded Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) oils – Fish, Flaxseed, Evening Primrose and Perilla Seed. It also uses only contaminant-free fish oil that has undergone a 10 stage distilling process.

Start taking control of your health by adding omega-3 to your diet. Take advantage of what the nutritionists have known for a very long time – fish, high in omega-3 fatty acids, is needed to maintain a health body.

You can find additional information on Omega-3 supplements and many other nutritional products by going to My TriVita Product Site.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – #12871028

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

[2] [3]

Healthy Food Choices

Weight LossWeight Loss

I know many of you have been trying to lose weight ever since your new year’s resolution, and if you’re like most people, it’s been a struggle. Why is it that losing weight is so hard? Why do so many people struggle with their weight? Well, it may be that you are not receiving the proper information, thus you are not educated enough on the “mechanics of weight loss.”

There are certain things you need to know about your body and what it takes to lose weight. It’s quite possible that this is what you’ve been missing. And, who better to explain weight loss than TriVita’s Chief Science Officer, Brazos Minshew. I’ve posted his latest Wellness Report article below.

Tools for Summertime Weight Loss
by Brazos Minshew

Nearly half of all people in North America make a resolution at the beginning of the year to lose weight. The next most common time for embarking on a weight-loss program is in the summertime: the “swimsuit season.” So now is the perfect time for an encouraging article on how to reach your weight-loss goals.

Unfortunately, being overweight is not simply an ornamental problem; it’s not simply about how we look. It is about how well we are. It’s about how much energy we have for the people we love, and how much vitality we have for the commitments we make. It’s about how successful or unsuccessful we will be at reaching our goals and living a life of purpose and meaning. It’s that serious.

Mechanics of weight loss

Let’s review several steps for weight loss that we have gathered from expert sources:

1. Find your Ideal Body Weight range using the Body Mass Index chart below.

2. Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using the calculator below. This is the amount of energy you burn at rest. Reduce your daily calorie intake to match this number.

3. Decide how much weight you want to lose each week. Please understand, weight loss of more than 2 pounds per week is unrealistic and probably dangerous. Your goal is to lose fat; rapid weight loss usually comes from water (which you need), muscle (which you need) and bone (yes, you need that too!).

4. Get started: Reduce your caloric intake to match your BMR and increase your activity to burn 1/2 to 2 pounds of fat per week.

  • Always eat breakfast.
  • Never eat within 2 hours of bedtime.
  • Morning exercise is better than evening exercise, but both are good.
  • Never consume more than 400 calories in an hour.
  • Eat according to an organized plan. For example, The South Beach Diet, Eat More – Weigh Less by Dean Ornish, The Sonoma Diet (my favorite Mediterranean diet plan), etc.
  • Do both aerobic and resistance exercises most days of the week to meet your fat loss goals.

Remember, your sense of purpose will dictate your actions step by step!

Speed bumps

Somewhere along the way you are going to experience discouragement, disappointment or despondency. It may be when you hit a weight loss plateau. It may be when you see others doing what you used to do and the old habits pull at your heart. It may be when those inner voices – I call them my “counsel of critics” – start to tell you lies about failure and success. What do you do when you hit a speed bump?

The answer to this question does not lie in the “how – when – what” of weight loss. The answer lies in the “why.” Your personal “why” gives you energy. It inspires you, motivates you and drives you to complete your journey.

Supplements for weight loss

Some supplements are also an important part of weight loss. In many people they represent the critical difference between success and failure in lifetime weight control. However, you must always remember that they are supplements; they supplement a diet and exercise program. Use them wisely as an important part of your total wellness program.

Remember to let your desire fuel your action; let your actions harmonize with your sense of purpose. Simply be resolved to live a life of purpose and you will have the energy to get beyond the speed bumps. ** END of ARTICLE **

Ok, now that you have a better understanding of the “mechanics of weight loss”, what are you going to do about it? Are you struggling with your weight? Are you looking to shed a few pounds so you can finally look good in your swimsuit? Well then, it’s time to take action! Mr. Minshew has laid the foundation, but it’s up to you to get started. No one can do it for you. Weight loss is personal, and until you take the necessary action to finally loss weight, nothing’s going to happen. So, let’s get started!

To learn more about TriVita’s weight loss system, click on the previous link.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – 12871028
Visit My TriVita Business Site

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Vitamin DVitamin D

Vitamin D has always been called the sunshine vitamin. However, is it advantageous to spend large amounts of time in the sun? Is the sun harmful to your body? If the answer is yes, on the safe side, how much time can we spend in the sun?

Some of these answers will be answered in the article, To Sun or Not to Sun: The Benefits and Risks by Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s Chief Science Officer. I’ve posted the complete article below, and added some links so you can learn more about vitamin d, and other TriVita products.

To Sun or Not to Sun: The Benefits and Risks by Brazos Minshew

Humans have existed on earth for many thousands of years. Until recently, we spent entire days in the sun. Now, physicians and scientists say that sun exposure is “bad” for us. Is that true? When did the sun become our enemy? How much is enough and what is the best way to maintain balance when it comes to sun exposure?

Sunlight: crucial for life, health and happiness!

  • Life – Sunlight is crucial for life because all life on earth depends (to a greater or lesser extent) upon photosynthesis. This is the process in green plants by which carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water using light as an energy source. Most forms of photosynthesis release oxygen as a byproduct.
  • Health – Sunlight is crucial for health because sunlight creates Vitamin D as it interacts with our skin.
  • Happiness – Sunlight is crucial for happiness because sunlight activates hormones in the brain that create a sense of euphoria.

Humans are diurnal: we are awake in the daytime and asleep at night. We are designed to live in sunlight. Our skin interacts with sunlight to create Vitamin D, an essential part of our metabolism.

Vitamin D interacts with our bones to make them hard; without Vitamin D we get soft, deformed bones (rickets). Later in life we are at risk for osteoporosis if we have low levels of Vitamin D. This means if your bones are tender, or if you have a low blood level of Vitamin D, you may need to increase your sun exposure (see the “Take Control of Your Health” section below). Vitamin D also interacts with our hormones to balance our blood sugar. And it activates our immune system to help protect against cancer. Vitamin D is good for us in many ways. So it stands to reason that sunlight would be good for us too, wouldn’t it?

The Dark Side of light

Sunlight activates melanocytes. These are pigment-containing cells in our skin that help protect us from too much sun – and too much Vitamin D – by turning dark. Most people will “tan” or darken in the sun. If the sun exposure is prolonged or too intense for this melanocyte system, we will “burn.”

Overexposure to the sun creates oxidative stress similar to radiation burns from exposure to nuclear material. That’s because the sun itself is a huge nuclear furnace. A radiation burn from the sun can start a chain reaction in the melanocyte and other cells. This may lead to cancer in a year or two or in a decade or two. Oxidative stress from sunburn is insidious and dangerous.

Where’s the balance?

The skyrocketing incidence of diabetes, osteoporosis and certain cancers definitely says that we are not getting enough Vitamin D. And the increasing incidence of insomnia and seasonal depression says that we are not getting enough early morning sun.
We need more sunlight. But how do we make it safe?

Safe sun exposure

First, it’s important to recognize both the need for sun and the need for caution. Plan your sun exposure so that you maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks. For instance, get your sunlight early in the day. Early morning sunlight does not have the high ultraviolet rays that midday sun does. So, take a 20-minute walk in the early part of the day with your skin exposed to sunlight. This will give you the benefits without the risks of over exposure.

Alternately, take a 20-minute walk in the late afternoon with your skin exposed to sunlight. There are fewer UV rays in the late afternoon than at midday. So either early morning or late afternoon sun will provide you with many of the same benefits, while decreasing your risk of over exposure.

As for midday sun, never expose your skin to it for long periods of time. Wear clothing that covers most of your skin and wear a hat that provides shade for your face and ears.

Nutrients for healthy skin

Certain nutrients work well to protect against sun damage. Essential fatty acids interact with Vitamin D in your skin to help protect against harmful radiation. Vitamin C helps quench smoldering fires of oxidative stress once they have begun. Antioxidants, such as green tea and those found in berries, help protect against DNA damage from radiation. All these are excellent nutrients for dealing with the stress of too much sun.

So, is the sun our enemy? It can be if we are not careful! For most of us, however, sunlight may be the difference between good and poor health; or even between life and death! Get your sunlight, but be careful – too much of a good thing can cause trouble.

*** End of Article ***

Just like in any other aspect of our lives, moderation is the key, and since the sun is important, you need to have some exposure to the sunshine. However, many of us may not get enough sunshine, especially if you live in the northern hemisphere. Our summers are short and the winters are long, which leads to a shortage of sunshine, especially in the winter months. I believe it’s important to add a vitamin d supplement to your diet. There are a lot of great vitamin d and calcium supplements in the marketplace.

Some vitamin D supplements provide, five forms of chelated calcium, over 20 bone-fortifying vitamins and minerals, 100% RDI of Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin D, and Chlorophyll-coated tablets that protect valuable nutrients, time-releasing optimal absorption.

To learn more about vitamin D, click on the previous link.

Jeffrey Sloe
TriVita Independent Business Owner, 12871028
Visit My TriVita Business Site

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Omega-3 Fatty AcidsOmega-3 Fatty Acids

I’ve been writing about omega-3 fatty acids for some time now, and I still feel that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids has so many good health benefits. I’ve mentioned several times that “omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function as well as normal growth and development.”

Today I found an article that confirms what I’ve been saying all along.
The article below strictly focuses on omega-3 fatty acids, and how they protect our bodies.

“Changes in the Western diet over the past 150 years are causing many Americans to develop nutrient deficiencies. This is especially true of essential nutrients and fats found in fish and wild plants. More folks are eating high amounts of animal products and pesticide-laden fruits and veggies. And it’s no secret that there are far too many processed foods lining grocery store shelves.

A nutrient-lacking diet can cause or worsen major depression and may contribute to:

  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Headaches or other chronic pains

One way to lift your mood and possibly help prevent depression is with omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are essential for your diet—and should be supplemented since your body doesn’t produce them on its own. Omega-3s are the best source to help prevent blood clotting, lower blood pressure and relieve inflammation. These healthy fats are found in fish, flaxseed, winter squash, olive oil, navy beans and various nuts such as walnuts, Brazil nuts, hickory nuts and macadamia nuts.

Krill oil contains a healthy balance of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids—which helps fight infection. These two fatty acids need each other and work together to prevent other inflammation-related ailments like heart disease, arthritis and diabetes. Krill has also been shown to improve your blood pressure levels, relieve your premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, reduce your cholesterol levels and decrease your risk for heart disease.

Be sure to balance your meats and veggies with healthy amounts of omega-3 fats. You can say ‘goodbye’ to the blues—and improve your overall health, too.”[1]

It’s quite possible that the changes in our diet over the years have caused us to become “nutrient deficient”, especially when it comes to some essential nutrients like those found in fish and wild plants. All of this leads to health problems that many of us could avoid.

Changes in your diet, which should include omega-3 fatty acids, will get you on a healthier track, and provide you with many health benefits. If you don’t like fish, taking omega-3 supplements can provide the needed essential fatty acids. Since it’s so important to your health, TriVita’s Omega-3 Supplements can be added to your diet.

TriVita® has an entire arsenal of products to keep your body healthy. To learn more about TriVita’s supplements, Visit My TriVita Product Site.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – #12871028

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.



Weight LossWeight Loss

More and more over weight people have been searching for none harmful, positive alternatives to get rid of unwanted body fat without the side effects of prescription drugs. Yes, natural weight loss is becoming a very popular subject these days. Losing weight naturally is less harmful because it typically becomes a part of your daily lifestyle, it takes less effort, and, in turn, it lasts much longer.

Natural weight loss in its simplest form is eating less, and exercising regularly. It’s a much slower process, and it can be less painful than surgery and /or using prescription drugs. Losing weight naturally is the process that lets your body rid itself of excess body fat without adding extra emotional stress. It may not be the fastest way, but it is, by far, the safest way to get rid of excess weight.

Let’s start with diet and nutrition.

Not only will a proper nutritious diet help you lose weight, but research shows that good nutrition can help to lower the risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes, and osteoporosis. However, as the facts show, there’s a large gap that remains between healthy dietary patterns and what Americans actually eat. Statistics show that back in 2005, about 1 in 3 U.S. adults ate fruit two or more times a day, and 1 in 4 ate vegetables three or more times a day.

If you fall into the two-thirds of Americans that do not eat enough servings of fruit a day, or the three-quarters of Americans that do not eat enough vegetables a day, your probably in the wrong category. Fruits and vegetables are required as part of a healthy diet and are needed to get the proper nutrition. Some supplements may replace the vitamins and minerals lacking from improper diet, but needless to say, there is nothing that can replace the all natural vitamins and minerals that come from real fruit and vegetables.

It is possible to lose weight by eating food that your body requires to function properly.

Why lose weight?

There are many people that want to lose weight simply to look better. However, even though physical appearance is often a strong motivator, the health implications of being overweight or obese should not be ignored. Even a 5-15% reduction in body weight can help reduce your risk of weight-related health problems. I believe that the number one reason people want to lose weight is the fear of health problems.

Most dieters have weak reasons for wanting to lose weight, so they start and then usually give up in a very short period of time. Reasons like “I’ll feel better”, or “it’ll make my spouse happier”, are weak reasons. With a weak reason, there’s no incentive to lose weight. On the other hand, a strong reason, like health issues, usually motivates someone pretty quickly.

Regular habits aren’t easy to change, especially if it means cutting out our favorite non-nutritional treats. I believe the only way to make a lifestyle change is to find a strong incentive (motivational means) that will help us make that change. The easiest way to create an incentive to what to make a change is to ask yourself a question, how will I benefit from losing weight?

The very first thing someone needs for natural weight loss to be effective is to adapt to new self-consuming habits. The secret to natural weight loss takes a lot less effort if you create a plan and just follow the plan. Weight loss is not going to happen by chance. It has to be a concerted effort, and it can only begin with you. You health is dependent upon you taking action.

Jeffrey Sloe
TriVita Independent Business Owner – 12871028
Visit My TriVita Business Site

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Vitamin CVitamin C

We’ve all heard about vitamin c and how important it is, but do we actually know how much we can take each day? I believe that we would probably say that taking a single tablet (500-1000mg) is good enough. Let’s see what other authority sites say about our daily requirements of vitamin c.

The WebMD web site says the RDA of vitamin c is approximately 90 mg/day. However, they say that up to 2000mg is safe. There’s a chart on the WebMD web site with RDAs for all age groups. Search Google to find additional information on this all important vitamin.

Below is an article from TriVita® which should answer any questions you have regarding vitamin c and how much you can safely take on a daily basis. Please read and enjoy!

Spring clean with Vitamin C

by Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s Chief Science Officer

Well, it’s officially spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the traditional time for spring cleaning – in our home and inside our body. Time to rid ourselves of all the junk we can’t use anymore and start fresh!

Vitamin C can help us clean out the old and make room for the new.

Would you like to hear something interesting about Vitamin C? Almost all mammals except humans produce Vitamin C as ascorbic acid in their livers. But not just mammals: Almost all animals in the Animal Kingdom produce Vitamin C every day to maintain their health. Why don’t humans produce Vitamin C? How much Vitamin C do people need to take? What effect does Vitamin C have in your body?

The role of Vitamin C

Let’s answer the easy question first: How much Vitamin C does a person need to take? Well, when animals produce Vitamin C it is according to their needs at that moment and during that particular time in their life. A young dolphin may produce much more Vitamin C than an older sibling or parent. However, all dolphins – and all other animals – produce more Vitamin C when they have an infection, when they are exposed to toxins and when they are under stress.

So, we understand that people need different amounts of Vitamin C at different times in their life. We also need more Vitamin C when we face challenges to our health and well-being. In a recent Weekly Wellness Report on colds and flu, we discussed how a Vitamin C flush can help you determine the precise amount of Vitamin C you can use during a given period in your life. The Vitamin C flush was recommended by two-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, his protegé Dr. Alfred Libby and former director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Russell Jaffe.

What does your body do with all that Vitamin C?

Vitamin C makes things happen in your body.

  • Bones – All of the minerals in your bones require Vitamin C to turn them from lifeless rocks into health-building minerals.
  • Blood – Your blood needs Vitamin C to convert iron into hemoglobin.
  • Thyroid – Your thyroid gland needs Vitamin C to convert copper into thyroid enzymes that carry protein.
  • Collagen – All of the collagen in your skin, gums and the rest of your body requires Vitamin C to convert dead protein from your diet into living tissue. This makes you look good as well as feel good!
  • Immune system function – Vitamin C activates a certain kind of immune cell called a lymphocyte. Lymphocytes, as the name implies, live mostly in your lymph system. However, they can travel in and out of your bloodstream as well. Lymphocytes that have been activated by your thymus gland can go anywhere in your body to fight disease. The thymus gland uses Vitamin C to program lymphocytes to search out one specific target and destroy it.
  • Antioxidant protection – Vitamin C is also an antioxidant. Your body uses it to make glutathione – the “mother” of all antioxidants. What’s more, all other antioxidants can be refreshed by Vitamin C. Important antioxidants like Vitamins A and E can have their lifespan extended by Vitamin C. Antioxidants protect you from premature aging.

Vitamin C has so many functions that you could spend a lifetime studying this one important vitamin. Try the Vitamin C flush and determine how much Vitamin C you can use each day. It can be quite the “spring cleaning,” as it helps remove old lymphocytes and other debris held over in your body. I suggest that you repeat this procedure quarterly – at the change of the seasons. You will find your need for Vitamin C will diminish when you eat fresh fruits and vegetables. It will increase when you are under stress or facing illness.


Why don’t humans produce Vitamin C like other animals? The answer is that we don’t know. What we do know is that people are healthier when they eat Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables. And in this stress-filled, toxic world we have created, more Vitamin C is needed than a depleted diet can provide. This is why we have supplements to help us compensate for the special circumstances we find ourselves in today.

So, do your spring cleaning and start this season of your life in the best possible shape!

** End of Article **

Most pharmaceutical companies claim that all supplements are the same. However, I believe there is a difference. Although I don’t have all the answers, I personally prefer the Vitamin C crystals, but it’s up to you to find the supplements that deliver the best results. One way to find a supplement that will meet your needs is to search Google.

Jeffrey Sloe
TriVita Independent Business Owner, 12871028

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Weight LossWeight Loss

Millions of people per year take on the challenge of losing weight. According to some web sites, weight loss is a $30 billion industry. However, research has shown that 95% of those who lose weight eventually gain it back within three years. That has been called the “yo-yo dieting” by some health professionals.

Yo-yo dieting, also known as weight cycling, is the repeated loss and regain of body weight due to excessive hypocaloric dieting. The term “yo-yo dieting” was coined by Kelly D. Brownell, Ph.D., at Yale University, in reference to the cyclical up-down motion of a yo-yo. In this process, the dieter is initially successful in the pursuit of weight loss but is unsuccessful in maintaining the loss long-term and begins to gain the weight back. The dieter then seeks to lose the regained weight, and the cycle begins again.[1]

Many weight loss companies focus on things that work in the long-term, such as, balanced nutrition with portion control, increased exercise and especially a long-term motivation to keep the weight off. However, their message is usually drowned out by the fad, gimmick and diet pill companies.

As a matter of fact, diets do not work. Diets are temporary. However, when you change your dietary lifestyle, you’re changing your habits – and you’re putting yourself on track for long-term / continued success and weight maintenance. In an article by the Chief Science Officer of TriVita, Brazos Minshew explains the how to lose weight and keep it off. I’ve posted the complete article below.

How to Avoid Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals by Brozos Minshew

This is the perfect time for an encouraging article on keeping your weight loss goals. Nearly half of all people in North America make a New Year’s Resolution to change something in their life. The most common commitment is to lose weight. Second is to exercise more. Third is to stop smoking.

Within a few weeks the number of people sticking to their resolve declines dramatically. Given the importance of improving our behavior, an encouraging word from an ally may be just the thing we all need to keep our resolve!

Mechanics of weight loss

Let’s review the best advice for weight loss that we have gathered from expert sources over the last several years.

How: Reduce your calorie intake to match your BMR (basal metabolic rate). BMR represents the number of calories your body needs at rest; in other words, your body burns these calories through basic functions. Click here for a BMR calculator (labeled Basal Metabolism). So, BMR represents the ideal number of calories you should eat in a day. Additionally, increase your activity to burn 1-2 pounds of fat per week.

  • When: Never eat within two hours of bedtime. Morning exercise is a bit better than evening exercise. Never consume more than 400 calories in an hour.
  • What: Eat according to an organized plan. For example, South Beach, Ornish, Mediterranean, etc. Do both aerobic and resistance exercises most days of the week.
  • Why: Your sense of purpose will dictate your actions step by step.

Speed bumps

Somewhere along the way you are going to experience discouragement, disappointment or despondency. It may be when you hit a weight loss plateau. It may be when you see others doing what you used to do and the old habits pull at your heart. It may be when those inner voices – I call them my “counsel of critics” – start to tell you lies about failure and success. What do you do when you hit a speed bump?

The answer to this question does not lie in the “how – when – what” of weight loss. The answer lies in the “why.” Your personal “why” gives you energy. It inspires you, motivates you and drives you to complete your goal.

Remember to let your desire fuel your action; let your actions harmonize with your sense of purpose. Simply be resolved to live a life of purpose and you will have the energy to get beyond the speed bumps.

Common setbacks

  • Lack of support – Losing weight with an uncooperative family is very difficult. In fact, diet failure is far more common with kids at home than among empty-nesters. A great solution is to turn those sources of distraction into cheerleaders. Recruit your family into your support group. Ask them for help and you may be surprised how helpful a supportive family can be.
  • Social functions – Parties and family gatherings are another trigger for setbacks. Food and a festive environment are catalysts for overeating and skipping exercise. Careful planning in advance can really help with food selection and an exercise schedule. And if you do overindulge, remember the “calories in, calories out” rule and increase your exercise for a week or two to burn off the extra calories.
  • Emotional issues – Depression, discouragement and despondency are also common triggers for diet failure. Remembering the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness can be a good antidote. For instance, Essential #6 teaches us that we need to Give and Receive Love for excellent health. Love moves us to make commitments, committing ourselves to a life of purpose. Purpose is the reason for action. Therefore, love can help us balance autonomy, commitment and purpose with fear, shame and doubt.


When we commit ourselves to such noble pursuits, they deserve our very best attention. We need to define our purpose as the foundation for success. Purpose is an important motivation to help us reshape our thinking. Purpose is the antidote to self-sabotage.

Ponder over each of these life-changing rules for healthy living. You will soon see that each of these gems reflect the light you need to see beliefs that no longer serve your best interests. You can confront self-sabotage and slay the dragons that keep you from reaching your goals. Also, learning and living the 10 Essentials provides you with powerful tools to reshape your attitudes into the very ones that can help you to reach your goals, live the life you want and fulfill your purpose. **END of ARTICLE**

Changing your lifestyle takes dedication and determination. Become committed to a lifestyle of change and improve your health and mental outlook. TriVita® has a lot of great information regarding your health. Sign up to receive their weekly Wellness Report. Take a look at their health and wellness products. If you need metabolic assistance with losing weight, try TriVita’s weight loss system.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – 12871028
Visit My TriVita Business Site

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


Omega-3 Fatty AcidsOmega-3 Fatty Acids

Does taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements actually help? Well, just read the article below about a the results of a new study conducted by Professor Mark Hall of the University of Leeds in the UK.

Read the article by clicking on this link: New omega-3 preparation protects against bowel polyps.

According to the study, there’s new hope for patients diagnosed with a “rare inherited condition called FAP (familial adenomatous polyposis), thought to be responsible for about one in every 100 bowel cancers.”[1] There were several notables from the case study;

  1. Omega-3 EPA found as effective as drugs prescribed to prevent pre-cancerous bowel polyps;
  2. It’s plausible to presume that omega-3s could help prevent all bowel polyps;
  3. Researchers observed a significant reduction in the number and size of polyps in a group of patients that were given 2 grams daily of a new highly purified formulation of the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid EPA.

Omega-3 fatty acids have also been known to help fight heart disease. Since omega-3s are safe and good for cardiovascular health, the UK team noted that EPA could be especially suitable for older patients at risk of both bowel cancer and heart disease. It’s been noted that “around 85 per cent of people diagnosed with bowel cancer are over the age of 60.”[1]

Extensive research has been done on omega-3 fatty acids, which indicates that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help prevent risk factors associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. These essential fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be particularly important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function.

So to answer the original question; Does taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements actually help? I guess you have to be the judge. However, form my research, I have yet to find an article or case study that says, omega-3 fatty acids do nothing. That’s why I promote a supplement like omega-3 fatty acids.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) support our wellness in so many ways, and it all starts with helping to reduce runaway inflammation. Many of us don’t realize this, but it’s that runaway inflammation that can lead to various serious health problems in the body involving the heart, arteries, lungs, joints and more.

If you’re not doing something to prevent inflammation and/or heart disease, maybe it’s time to start. We are all getting older, and it’s the aging process that increases our chances of getting cancer or heart disease.

You can find additional information on Omega-3 Fatty Acids and many other nutritional products by going to My TriVita Business Site. TriVita® ensures that you get the safest, freshest, and most effective products available on the market today. Each product is made under the strictest quality controls in the nutritional supplement industry.

Shop for Omega-3 Supplements

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner – #12871028
Visit My TriVita Business Site

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.




Stress, Exercise and Vitamin B12Stress, Exercise and Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a key contributor in your body to the formation of cells, especially in helping make healthy red blood cells and important parts of your nerve cells. Vitamin B-12 is typically called the energy vitamin, because many people that take B12 shots and/or B12 supplements feel an extra burst of energy shortly thereafter.

Vitamin B12 is a key contributor in your body to the formation of cells, especially in helping make healthy red blood cells and important parts of your nerve cells. The benefits of taking vitamin b12 supplements far outweighs the lack thereof. It’s quite possible that stress, exercise and vitamin b12 may all be related to one another.

In his latest Wellness Report, Brazos Minshew, TriVita’s Chief science Officer explains how stress, energy and exercise relate to one another. The complete report is posted below. Please read and enjoy!

The Physical Side of Stressby Brazos Minshew

According to health experts, we need about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days of the week. The benefits of this are too numerous to list but include:

  • Heart health
  • Increased energy
  • Decreased obesity
  • Improved mood

Exercise has been called “the best thing we can do for our body.”

We also need resistance training to build lean body tissue and strong bones. Resistance training increases the ability of our individual cells to accept sugar and insulin. Indeed, resistance training is seen by some as the antidote to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis.

Stress in – stress out!

Despite all the benefits of exercise, it must be recognized that exercise is stressful. Exercise is work; it is a struggle against gravity and in the end, gravity always wins! That said, there are nutrients that can help us succeed in the struggle against gravity and help us meet our desired objectives of fitness and wellness.

First, we need energy to exercise (and then exercise gives us energy). Energy comes from metabolism, and the sensation of being energetic is “stored” in the nerves.

Our polyphenol product Energy Now! helps convert about 200 calories of energy from stored reserves per serving. This is the amount of energy we need to walk about two miles.

Sublingual B-12 adds to our energy delivery system by nourishing the nerves. Have you ever had a day when you felt light as a feather? Conversely, have you ever had a day when you felt like you were weighted down with lead weight? Most of us have that experience from time to time. Much of the sensation of feeling energetic is related to the potential of our nerves to conduct energy. Vitamin B-12 facilitates that energy delivery so we have more “light as a feather” days.

Sublingual B-12 also helps in another way. When we exercise we contract one group of muscles and stretch an opposite group of muscles. Vitamin B-12 facilitates muscle stretching – so muscles can stretch with ease.

When muscles ache after exercise it is because we have exceeded the limits of the muscle group at that moment. As we learn to listen to our body we really have only two choices: either don’t exercise so we will never feel that pain or take discomfort as a signal that we need to increase our nutrient reserves. Adaptogens are a group of nutrients from specific plants known to help us resist the stress of exercise while speeding a return to “normal” after exercise. Adaptogens are non-toxic by nature. So, if you find yourself sore after exercise, take more adaptogens!

Of course, pain is one of the cardinal signs of inflammation (pain, swelling, redness and heat accompanied by loss of function). Nopalea contains anti-inflammatory bioflavonoids called Betalains. Reducing inflammation quickly can help our body repair and return to normal function more quickly.

My routine

I am often asked about my exercise routine and the supplements I take. The answer really depends on what goal I am working on at the moment. If I am preparing for an event (like a bicycle race or triathlon) I will train every day, but I will only work out with weights twice a week. On the other hand, if I am preparing to hike the Grand Canyon, I may run a few miles a day but increase my weight training to five days a week. However, I always begin my workout routines with four ounces of Adaptogen 10 Plus and four ounces of Nopalea.

I use Healthy Aging supplements and add Energy Now! just before performing – it really gives me a boost!

I don’t like to exercise but I really do like to play! As an adult my “play” is more structured and organized than when I was a kid. It is also much less frequent. Still, I know that the more I move, the more I will be able to move and the more I will enjoy activity. Conversely, the less I move, the less I will be able to move and the less I will want to move.

Happiness and self-esteem come from setting and achieving worthwhile goals. One worthwhile goal is to enjoy activity daily and use nutrients and nurturing to combat our inevitable opponent: stress! ***END of ARTICLE***

With TriVita’s Sublingual B12, you can be assured that your body is getting the B vitamins it needs. The original, patented formula bypasses the digestive system, speeding the nutrients directly to your bloodstream, where they can go to work right away.

In my opinion, taking a b12 supplement on a daily basis is a must. To learn more about the sublingual vitamin b12, its patented delivery system, Dr. Libby, and/or Vitamin B12, click on the previous link, or contact me.

Jeffrey Sloe
Independent TriVita Business Owner, 12871028

The above information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.